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發布時間: 2022-12-01  點擊次數: 447次

安科瑞 陳聰

Application of Acrel Wireless Temperature Monitoring Device in Russia


Abstract: ATE series and ARTM-Pn are suitable for monitoring the real-time temperature of circuit breaker contact,cable,busbar in high or low voltage cabinets.

1.項目概述  Project Overview



A project in Russia needs to monitor the temperature of the busbars and cables in the high-voltage cabinet. After comparing various aspects, the customer found that our ATE series wireless temperature sensors and ARTM-Pn wireless temperature measurement equipment which are easy to install with a long communication distance, and have a wide range of applications. So they decided to use our wireless temperature measurement equipment.

2.產品介紹 product presentation

ARTM-Pn 無線測溫采集裝置根據《NB/T 42086-2016 無線測溫裝置技術要求》開發,可用于

3~35kV 戶內開關柜,包括中置柜、手車柜、固定柜、環網柜等多種開關柜,也可用于 0.4kV 低壓柜,包括固定柜,抽屜柜等。無線測溫傳感器可安裝于柜內任何發熱點上,利用無線數據傳輸技術, 可實時把監測數據發送出去,通過 ARTM-Pn 無線測溫采集裝置就地顯示溫度,也可以通過裝置的 RS485 接口互聯組網實現遠程智能監控。

ARTM-Pn wireless temperature measuring equipment has been developed in compliance with Specification for Wireless Temperature Measuring equipment, NB/T 42086-2016. It is suitable for 3-35kV indoor switchgears, including built-in switchgears, handcart switchgears, fixed switchgears and loop-net switchgears. It is also suitable for 0.4kV low-voltage switchgears such as fixed switchgears and drawer switchgears. The wireless temperature sensors can be installed at any heating point in switchgears, the device utilizes the wireless data transmission technology for real-time transmission of monitored temperature data and displays such data on ARTM-Pn locally. In addition, it can be networked via the RS485 port for remote intelligent monitoring.

ATE系列無線溫度傳感器共有 3 種,分別對應螺栓固定、表帶固定、扎帶捆綁三種安裝方式。螺栓式適用于電纜與母排搭接處,電纜與隔離刀閘搭接處使用;表帶式適用于斷路器動觸頭、靜觸頭、電纜接頭、母排等處使用;扎帶捆綁適用于動觸頭,母排,電纜,母排、電纜搭接處等多種場合。

There are three types of ATE series wireless temperature sensors and three mounting methods correspondingly, i.e. bolted type, strap-secured type and tied type. The bolted type is suitable for use at joints between cable and bus bar and joints between cable and disconnector. The strap-secured type is suitable for use at moving contacts and fixed contacts of breaker, cable joints and bus bar. The tied type is suitable for use at moving contacts, bus bars, cables and joints between bus bar and cable.

2.1.組網拓撲圖 Network Topology

2.2相關產品 related products

3.安裝圖片Installation Picture

參考文獻 Bibliography

1.Solutions for enterprise micro-grid system  2020.04

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