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發布時間: 2022-12-01  點擊次數: 476次

安科瑞 陳聰

 Application of Acrel Earth Leakage Relay in Intelligent Building


Abstract: the necessity of applying residual current relay in intelligent building is analyzed, the main functions, working principle, classification situation of ASJ residual current relay are introduced, and the principles and precautions in selecting residual current protection circuit breaker are indicated.


Keywords: ASJ residual current relay; intelligent building; application.

1.前言 Background

The residual current relay is to detect the residual current and compare the residual current value with the reference value. When the residual current value exceeds the reference value, An electrical appliance that sends out a mechanical opening and closing signal. The residual current relay is usually composed of a combined residual current protection device with low voltage circuit breaker or low voltage contactor. It is mainly suitable for TT and TN system distribution lines with rated voltage of 50 Hz, and below. It can also provide indirect contact protection for personal electric shock, so it can be widely used in intelligent building power supply and distribution system.


2.剩余電流繼電器主要用途 Main uses of residual current relay

2.1 間接接觸電擊保護 Protection of Indirect Contact Electric Shock 
間接接觸電擊保護的措施是自動切斷電源。GB 13955“對間接接觸電擊事故的防護"規定:“間接接觸電擊事故防護的主要措施是采用自動切斷電源的保護方式,以防止由于電氣設備絕緣損壞發生損壞事故。當電路發生絕緣損壞造成接地故障。其故障電流值小于過電流保護裝置的動作電流值時,應安裝剩余電流保護裝置。"研究表明,人體接觸電壓的安全值為 50 V。為保證人身安全,電氣裝置的任何部分發生絕緣故障時,一旦接觸電壓超過 50 V 時,需要在規定的時間內自動切斷故障部分電源。過電流保護裝置受電氣線路和設備及自身動作值限制,不能自動切斷電源。剩余電流保護裝置不受負荷電流影響,可與過電流保護裝置配合使用,作間接接觸電擊保護 。

The measure of indirect contact electric shock protection is to automatically cut off the power supply. GB 13955" the protection of indirect contact electric shock accident "stipulates :" the main measure of indirect contact electric shock accident protection is to adopt the protection mode of automatically cutting off the power supply to prevent the damage accident caused by the insulation damage of electrical equipment. When the circuit insulation damage caused by grounding fault. When the fault current value is less than the operating current value of the over-current protection device, the residual current protection device shall be installed ." According to the research, the safe value of contact voltage is 50V. For personal safety, when insulation failure occurs in any part of the electrical device, once the contact voltage exceeds 50V, it is necessary to automatically cut off the fault part of the power supply within the specified time. The over-current protection device is limited by the electrical circuit and equipment and its own action value, and can not automatically cut off the power supply. The residual current protection device is not affected by the load current and can be used in conjunction with the over-current protection device for indirect contact electric shock protection.

2.2 接地故障保護 Ground fault protection

Grounding is the contact between a live conductor and the earth, a grounded metal shell or a component connected to the ground. Its failure may lead to personal electric shock casualties and equipment damage, and may cause electrical fire in serious cases. Ground fault protection used to be protected by over-current protection device. When the grounding fault current is greater than the fixed value of the over-current protection device, the fault circuit is cut off by the over-current protection device.

In TT system, the line with larger rated current and longer distribution line, grounding fault of live conductor, unsafe metallic grounding fault and arc grounding fault in TN system may occur that the grounding fault current is less than the setting current of over-current protection action, and the over-current protection device does not act. Residual current protection device, or circuit breaker with ground fault protection, can reliably carry out ground fault protection.

2.3 電氣火災保護 Electrical fire protection
電氣火災通常由電氣短路引起,電氣短路包括金屬性短路和電弧性短路。前者是帶電導體間(如相與相之間、相與 N 線之間)短路,多以高溫熔焊金屬為通路,故障電流以千安計,高溫易使絕緣氧化而自燃,火災危險雖大,但可用帶短路保護的斷路器和熔斷器保護,由斷路器瞬時動作切斷電源,避免火災。后者是帶電導體對地短路,多以電弧為通路,故障電流雖小,但一方面電弧長時間延續,局部溫度高,很容易點燃周邊可燃物質,引發火災;另一方面,又不足以使一般斷路器動作跳閘切斷電源。所以電弧性短路引起火災危險遠大于金屬性短路。帶剩余電流動作保護功能的斷路器可在過電流保護裝置不動作的情況下切斷保障電路,防止電弧性短路引發的電氣火災。

Electrical fire is usually caused by electrical short circuit, which includes metal short circuit and arc short circuit. The former is a short circuit between live conductors (such as between phases, between phases and N lines). The fault current is calculated in kilo ampere. High temperature is easy to cause insulation oxidation and spontaneous combustion.

Although the fire hazard is great, it can be protected by circuit breakers and fuses with short circuit protection, and the power supply is cut off by instantaneous action of circuit breaker to avoid fire. The latter is a live conductor short circuit to the ground, mostly arc as the path, although the fault current is small, but on the one hand, the arc lasts for a long time, the local temperature is high, it is easy to ignite the surrounding combustible material and cause fire. Therefore, the fire hazard caused by arc short circuit is much greater than that of metal short circuit. The circuit breaker with residual current action protection function can cut off the support circuit without the operation of the over-current protection device to prevent the electrical fire caused by the arc short circuit.

3.ASJ系列剩余電流繼電器 ASJ Series of Residual Current Relay

3.1 型號和功能  Model & Function

3.2 技術參數 Technical Parameters

3.3 典型應用示意圖 Typical Application Schematic


Examples of application of residual current relay in intelligent building

4.1 智能化住宅建筑及賓館客房 Intelligent residential buildings and hotel rooms


The electric iron, hair dryer and electric kettle in residential and hotel have high frequency of use, which are prone to wire breakage and water splashing to socket, which seriously endanger personal safety and need to monitor leakage current and protect it. The residual current relay is installed in the intelligent residential building and hotel room, which can cut off the power supply and protect the personal safety in the case of leakage or electric shock.

4.2 智能化建筑中的游泳池 Swimming Pool in Intelligent Building


Modern sports fields and hotels are mostly intelligent buildings with swimming pool. In order to ensure the swimming pool is clean, the general swimming pool is equipped with circulating water pump system. Swimming pool is a crowded place. In order to ensure the safety of personnel, the circulating water pump system of swimming pool should be equipped with residual current relay. Ensure timely tripping, cutting off power supply and protecting personal safety when leakage fault occurs in circulating water pump system.

4.3 智能化建筑工地 Intelligent construction site

智能化建筑施工工地常用到散裝水泥和混凝土攪拌機、塔式起重機等各種建筑機械,手鉆、切割機等各種移動式用電工具,需要向它們臨時供電。一般建筑工地環境潮濕,人員繁多,結構復雜,用電設備多為移動式,且配電線路長而復雜,容易受到外力破壞,很容易造成漏電,危害人員的安全。因此,在建筑工地一般要設置額定剩余動作電流在30 mA左右的剩余電流繼電器。

Intelligent construction sites are commonly used to bulk cement and concrete mixers, tower cranes and other construction machinery, hand drills, cutting machines and other power tools, need to supply them temporary power. The general construction site environment is wet, the personnel is numerous, the structure is complex, the electric equipment is mostly, and the distribution line is long and complex, easy to be damaged by the external force, it is easy to cause the leakage and endanger the safety of personnel. Therefore, the residual current relay with rated residual current about 30mA should be set up in the construction site.

5.小結 Summary


Acrel ASJ series of residual current relays have been applied in many occasions, such as industry, civil, subway, intelligent building and so on, which has played a good protective effect and is worth promotional use.


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